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  • Writer's pictureSrivenil Tummarakota

The Rise of TikTok

There have been many social media platforms that start business careers, but one of the biggest platforms for doing so in the modern era is TikTok. TikTok is a social media platform where anybody can share videos for up to one minute about anything of their choosing. Videos on TikTok consist of comedy videos, dancing videos, art videos, sports videos, etc. TikTok grew very famous in the last year, which has caused a surge in the number of business careers that have been created.

A big reason why TikTok is super popular is that it is an addictive way to just constantly scroll through short bits of entertainment. All of the numbers are inflated in terms of likes and views, so it is an easy way to gain a large following. Often times the famous TikTokers will use their large following on TikTok and transfer it to other platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. These famous TikTokers will also make sponsorship money from TikTok along with Instagram and Snapchat. The money that some of these influencers are making from just doing one post is enough to make a wealthy living for a business career.

The idea of TikTok is actually genius and was a perfect business model for the company that created it. The amount of revenue coming through with ads is definitely off the charts since all of the numbers are inflated. The fact that TikTok is free to use is also very beneficial because it brings in more users as well as companies that want to place ads on TikTok. TikTok is also very addicting, and the more time that one spends on TikTok, the more the company gains from it. The videos are set up in a way where it feels like you are only watching short videos, but all of the videos add up to a large amount of time after watching for some time.

A decent amount of the TikTok influencers have also made careers because they have started a trend of content houses. content houses are comprised of a group of social media influencers who work together and make content on various platforms. TikTok has given rise to a large number of content houses. Some of them include the Hype House and the Sway House. Content houses are a very good idea because it brings famous people together to display a life in which the viewers would really want to have. Famous people also have different follower bases, so if they work together they are bound to increase their following, and in turn, increase their revenue. From a business perspective, the content houses are an amazing idea, but personally, I am not a huge fan of it.

All in all, TikTok has risen to fame very quickly and has launched the business careers of many TikTok influencers. TikTok will continue to grow and harbor more influencers and making a change in the business world. What impact do you think TikTok will make in the next year?

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